What is polycystic ovary syndrome?How to overcome from Pcos? The best ever solution for Pcos

 Polycystic ovary syndrome 


Pcos condition that affect a women hormone levels.

      Hormone disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on outer edges. 

Pcos First described:

       Italin physician Antonio vallisneri  1st described its symptoms in 1721.

Overview about Pcos:

        Women with Pcos produce higher than normal amount of male hormones.

        This hormones imbalance causes their body to skip menstrual period amd makes it harder for them to get pregnant. 

      It can contribute to long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease. 

       Pcos problem with hormones that affect women during their child bearing years (ages 15 to 44). 

      Pcos affect women's ovaries, the reproductive organs that produce estrogen and progesterone hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. 

     The ovaries also produce a small amount of male hormones called amdrogen. 

      Ovaries release eggs to be fertilized by an man's sperm. The release of egg each month called ovulation.

       Follicle stimulation hormones(FSH) and Luteinzing hormones (LH)  ,produced in pituitary gland, control ovulation. 

    Fsh stimulates ovary to produce a follicle - a sac that contain an egg and LH triges the ovary tp release a mature egg. 

      Pcos "syndrome " or group of symptom that affect ovaries and ovulation. There are 3 main features are :

  • Cysts in ovaries 
  • High level of male hormones 
  • Irregular or skipped period.       

    Pcos, many small, fluid-filled sacs grow inside ovaries.

     The words "Polycystic" means "many cysts".

    The lack of ovulation alters level of estrogen, progesterone, Fsh and Lh. 

     Progesterone level are lower than usual, while androgen level are higher than usual. 

   Extra male hormones disrupt menstrual cycle ,so women with pcos get fewer period than usual. 

Types of Pcos :

  • Insulin -resistant Pcos 
  •  Pill induced Pcos 
  • Infammatory Pcos
  • Hidden pcos

Pcos causes it 

       Doctor's don't know exactly what cause Pcos.They believe that high level of male hormones prevent ovaries from producing hormones and making eggs normally. 

   Genes, insulin resistance and inflammation have all been linked to excess androgen production. 

Genes :

     Studies show Pcos runs in families. 

    It's likely that many genes - not just one contribute to condition. 

Insulin resistance 

     70 percent of women with pcos have insulin resistance, meaning that their cells can't use insulin properly. 

    Insulin is hormone pancreas produces to help the body use sugar from food for energy. 

    When cells can't use Insulin increases.The pancreas make more insulin to compensate. 

     Obesity is major cause of Insulin resistance. Both obesity and insulin resistance can increase your risk for type of two diabetes. 

Common symptoms of Pcos :

    Some women start seeing symptoms around time of 1st period. Other only discover they have pcos after they've gained a lot of weight or they've had trouble getting pregnant.

Irregular periods :

     Lack of ovulation prevent the uterine lining from shedding every month.some women with pcos get fewer than eight period a year or none at all. 

Heavy bleeding :

    Uterine lining bulid up for longer periods of time, so period you do get can  be heavier than normal. 

Hair growth:

     More than 70 percent of women with condition grow hair on their condition grow hair on their back, belly and chest. Excess hair growth is called Hirsutism. 

Acne :

    Male hormones can make the skin oilies than usual and cause breakout arease like face, chest and upper back. 

Weight gain :

   Up to 80 percent pcos are overweight or bave obesity. 

Male pattern baldness :

      Hair on scalp get thinner and may fall out. 

Parkening on skin:

   Dark patches of skin can form in body creases like those on neck,in groin and under the breast. 

Headaches :

    Hormone changes can trigger headache in some women. 

Pcos affects your body :

   Having hormone than normal androgen level can affect your fertility and other aspects of your health. 

Infertility :

      To get pregnant, you have to ovulate.women don't ovulate regularly don't release as many eggs to be fertilized. Pcos one of leading causes of infertility in women. 

Metabolic syndrome 

    Up to 80 percent of women Pcos are overweight or have obesity. Both obesity and Pcos increase your risk for :

  • High blood sugar 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Low HDL "good" cholesterol 
  • High HDL "bad " cholesterol 

   These factor called metabolic syndrome and they increase risk for, Heart disease ,diabetes and stroke. 

Sleep apnea

  Condition causes repeated pauses in breathing during night, which interrupt sleep. 

    Sleep apnea more common in women who are overweight especially if they also have Pcos. The risk for sleep apnea is 5 to 10 times higher in women who have both obesity and Pcos than in those without Pcos. 

Endometrial cancer

    During ovulation, uterine lining sheds. If you don't ovulate every month, lining can build up. 

   Thickened uterine lining can increase your risk for Endometrial cancer. 


    Both hormon changes and symptoms like unwanted hair growth can negatively affect your emotions. Many with Pcos eventually experience depression and anxiety. 

 Pcos diagnosed:

    Doctor typically diagnose Pcos in women who have atleast two of these 3 symptoms :

  • High androgen level
  • Irregular menstrual cycle 
  • Cysts in ovaries 

    Your doctor should also ask whether you've had symptoms like acene, face and body hair and weight gain. 

   Blood test check for higher  than normal level of male hormones 

   You might also have test to check your cholesterol, insulin and Triglycerides level to evaluate your risk for related condition like hearr disease and diabetes. 

   Ultrasound uses sound waves to look for abnormal follicle and other problems with your ovaries and uterus. 

Pregnancy and Pcos 

   Pcos interrupt normal menstrual cycle and makes it harder to get pregnant. Between 70 to 80 percent of women woth Pcos have fertility problems. 

   This condition can also increase risk for pregnancy complication.

   Women with Pcos are two as likely as women without condition to deliver their baby prematurely.They're also at greater risk for miscarriage, high bp and gestational diabetes. 

    However, women wity Pcos can get pregnant using fertility treatments that improve ovulation. Losing weight and lowering blood sugar level can improve your chancer of having healthy pregnancy. 

Common medical treatment 

    Birth control pills and other medication can helo regulate the menstrual cycle ans treat Pcos symptom like hair growth ans acne.

  • Birth control 
  • Metformin
  • Clomiphene
  • Hair removal medication 
  • Surgery      

   There is no apt cure for Pcos but the treatment are factor that reflect symptoms of pcos. There are many treatment option which include:

  • Medication of diabetes :Medicine recommended for diabetes which help to manage it increases level of sugar can cause Pcos. 

  • Fertility  medication: In fertility treatments, some medication are injectable medicine such as Fsh and Lh and some cases Letrozole is also recommended by doctor. 

  • Treatment for Infertility :Infertility treatments like IUI or IVF, in these treatments some medication given like spironolactone or eflornithire due to which excersie growth of hair is controlled. 

Surgical method for Pcos could be :

  1. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling by laser /ovulatory Pcos. 
  2. Cyst aspirations 
  3. Oophorectomy  

Pcos doctor specialist :

  1.  OBGYN doc:Focuses on reproductive health in women and childbirth 
  2. Primary care provider (PCP) :prevent, diagnoses and treat .
  3. Endocrinologist :Treat metabolic and hormone disorder. 

Disclaimer :

   Information that provided on this site is for educational purposes only and doesn't substitute for professional medical advice. 

   Users Consult a medical professionals or healthcare providers is they're seeking medical advice or treatment.

